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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Blogging Craze is In!

Vast numbers of websites are pouring down like rain from different parts of the globe. As a matter of fact there are more or less 612,843,429 websites present according to the conducted surveys of May 2012. Along these millions of websites are the different goals and objectives that their authors or founders are aiming. Among these are social networking, affiliate programs, information giving, data storage, entertainment, banking and finance, insurances, and even advertisement and marketing. Not mentioned above is a type of web based site that aims to make any person an author and even a publisher of his or her own articles, opinions, and reflections. This is the BLOG site.

What is exactly a BLOG?
A blog is originally derived from weblog or web-log which is actually consisted of entries called posts which appear in a reverse chronological order with the most recent post appearing first. Typically, a blog is consisted with features like comments and links to increase the interactivity of the users.

Here are some terminologies associated with BLOG:

  Blogging: The act of writing a post for a blog

  Blogger: A person who writes content for a blog

  Blogosphere: The online community of blogs and bloggers

When did BLOG started?
It was said that the earliest blog started on the late 1990's as online diaries. Individuals posted information on a daily basis about their lives, reflections, and opinions. At a later time, this evolved with the integration of added features to create a two-way intercommunication. The followers or readers took advantage of the features that allowed them to leave comments on blog entries or link to posts on other blogs and websites to further the conversation.

The BLOGGING Craze of 2012!
Aside from serving as an online diary or journal, Google Inc. devised a sweeping marketing strategy of attracting different companies to let them advertise their products or programs to maximize their earnings by posting advertisements to blogs and websites which is commonly known as Adsense. This did not only become advantageous in the part of Google and the company but also to people who has an activated Adsense account integrated in their blogs. It works by letting Google post advertisements in your site and a click to that certain ad corresponds to a certain amount of money. This makes any person aging 18 and above earn money easily and for free in a legit way. The Google Inc.'s strategy made a stepping stone in further raising the fever and craze of blogging!

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